020 8788 5022
All prices are per dose and are subject to availability.
Hepatitis A (Adult) £55
Hepatitis A (Paediatric) £45
Typhoid £35
Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio £35
Hepatitis B (Adult) £45**
Hepatitis B (Paediatric) £40**
Meningitis ACWY £50
Yellow Fever £75
Rabies £75**
Japanese Encephalitis £105*
Tick Borne Encephalitis (Adult) £60**
Tick Borne Encephalitis (Paediatric) £55**
MMR £45*
Varicella (Chicken Pox) £65*
Meningitis B* £125
HPV-9 £150**
Shingles £150
Pneumonia £75
Dengue Fever £100*
Influenza (Flu) £16.99 / (Free for over 65 year olds and eligible NHS groups)
Vaccinations marked with * or ** usually need 2 * or 3** doses to complete a primary course.
Prices are subject to change without notice
We recommend that patients vaccinate at least 10 days before scheduled travel to allow your body's immune system time to develop protection post injection.
The immune protection against disease starts on day 1 of your vaccination and reaches optimum level about 10 days later.
For vaccinations with 2-3 doses, patients who need to travel urgently may be able to follow a rapid schedule and still have a significant level of immunity.

Anti Malarials
Doxycycline £15.00 per 50 capsules *
Mefloquine (Lariam) £2.80 per tablet *
Atovaquone/Proguanil Adult (Malarone/Maloff) from £3 a tablet
Atovaquone/Proguanil Paediatric (Malarone Paediatric) 80p a tablet
*Doxycycline & Lariam have a £5 script charge added if supplied without a prescription.
Altitude Sickness Tablets (Acetazolamide) £20 for 10 tablets
Period Delay Tablets (Norethisterone) £15 for 30 tablets or £20 for 60 tablets
Travellers Diarrhoea Tablets (Azithromycin) £15 for a course of 3 tablets
Erectile Dysfunction
Sildenafil tablets from £10 for 4
Tadalafil tablets from £15 for 4
Vardenafil tablets from £15 for 4
Ear Ache (Otomize ear spray) £14.99
Hair Loss (Finasteride 1mg) £15
Stop Smoking Cytisine 1.5mg £172
Urinary Tract Infections
(Nitrofurantoin MR capsules) £19.99
Note: Medication can only be supplied after a positive urine test. There is a £12 charge for 2 tests.
Weight Loss Injections
2.5mg - £165
5mg - £175
7.5mg - £185
10mg - £185
12.5mg - £200
15mg - £200
Receive a free sharps bin and box of needles with your first supply
0.25mg - £155
0.5mg - £165
1.0mg - £165
1.7mg - £219
2.4mg - £265
Receive a free sharps bin and box of needles with your first supply